Real World Marketing Lessons!

Since you've been a subscriber to my newsletter, you know I've spent time in the last two months talking about my All-In With Winn Group Coaching Program. I'm so excited about the creative, open-hearted, passionate people who joined this fall!

Meeting them reminded me of past participants so I decided to do an analysis of all the people who've ever joined over the years to better understand what's worked and not worked in getting these amazing clients. 

I'm sharing my lessons with you in case you find it valuable as you experiment with ways to promote your own products and services: 

  1. Lead with Generosity: Over 70% of participants had a direct experience of coaching with me before joining. Whether they were part of a free group coaching call, a 1:1 coaching giveaway I offered on social media, or a complimentary session.

  2. Ask for Referrals: Over 60% of participants were referred to me by a current or former client. In some cases, clients reposted things I'd put on social media (mostly Instagram), and in other cases, clients got an email from me asking if they knew anyone who might be a fit, or both. 

  3. Don't Bother With Advertising: In years past, I experimented with a small amount of social media advertising. None of those efforts were worth it, so this year, I didn't bother. 

  4. Do A Little More Than Your Comfortable Doing. My marketing plan included direct email invitations to join, emails asking for referrals, this newsletter, Q&A calls, and social media (posts, stories, and reels). I definitely got out of my comfort zone with the amount that I shared (and you might have been tired of hearing about it!). But I believe in the program, and I know the power of a repeated message.

  5. Think Like A Gardener: A coach I once worked with encouraged me to think of myself as a gardener; planting, watering, and fertilizing seeds. Many of the people who joined the program are people who I originally met years ago. I kept in touch.

  6. Let Go Of The Outcome: Over the years, I've learned to accept that I can't control the outcome. The only thing I could control were my actions. I just had to work my plan. The more I trusted the process, the more I enjoyed it. 

How about you? What do you find works or doesn't work when you have products or services that you're promoting?

Winn Clark