Let Your Unique Flag Fly!

When I think about the clients I've worked with and the friends and colleagues I know who have had the most success in their work, they've completely embraced their uniqueness.

I see this in creatives whose work has a particular - it could only be made by them - look and feel. And I see this in the work of coaches who have offerings or points of view that are distinct from everyone else's. It brings all of their talent, experience, and passion to the table.

It makes them and their work unforgettable.

From what I've seen, this incredibly unique work wasn't all that evident on day one of their businesses. It was a slow build and often accompanied by thoughts of, can I really do this, will anyone want this and am I crazy?

I still ask myself these questions some days!

But with each passing year, I see people step more fully into their own unique work and this is when the good stuff really starts to happen! Now it's your turn.


Answer this question: What could you do this week, this month, this year - to keep moving toward the work that feels 100% unique to you?

Let Your Unique Flag Fly!

Winn Clark