So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want!

When I look back on the times in my life when I made big, positive, scary (to me anyway) changes, it was because I could see and feel the possibility.

Each of these big leaps, leaving the corporate world to embark on a new career as a coach, committing to my first marathon, moving to California (and South Florida, Minneapolis, and Chicago before that) began with me admitting to myself that I wanted something and then going after it. First, the spark of an idea lit me up, then friends and coaches cheered me on, and then I started taking steps in the direction of what I was dreaming of. Call it manifestation if you want - but it sure felt like me getting my ass into action!

I recently learned that research studies have proven that if people are out walking in an area where they don't have a landmark to aim for - like a mountain, the sun, or the moon, they will walk in circles. Ever feel like your life or your business has you walking in circles?

That's one of the reasons why when I start working with a new client, I always support them in feeling into the future vision for their life. I want them to see their landmark!

It's a privilege to hear what my clients are dreaming of. Sometimes, it's big stuff - like embarking on a brand new career, moving to a different city, or starting a family. And sometimes it's smaller stuff that feels really big, like getting a studio space, launching a podcast or finally making some good money in their business!

Sometimes, clients are afraid to dream big for fear of being disappointed. I get it - if you had grown up in my family, you would have learned not to aim too high, a lesson I've spent decades unlearning. I get to see what happens when people have a clear vision of what they want and allow themselves to go after it. New babies, new businesses, a new way of showing up in the world.

So here are a few ideas for creating a vision for your future that gets you into action.

•           Convene a group of optimistic friends for a future visioning exercise (do NOT invite friends who will drag down your ideas under the guise of practicality, worry, etc.!). Share your visions and brainstorm ideas.

•           Find an accountability partner or join a group coaching program where everyone is aiming higher - get on the wait list to be notified of the next round of All-In With Winn.

•           Shameless plug alert - hire a coach: let's talk to see if coaching is a fit for you.

From the wisdom of the spice girls - so tell me what you want, what you really, really want. Now, let's make it happen!

Winn Clark