Don't Poke Your Eye Out!

I don't remember what year it was exactly, but I was still living in Chicago. So it was before I became a coach, before I moved to California, before so many things.

I was on a conference call (it was before Zoom too), with a very large group of women and a legit famous life coach - as in Oprah show famous. We'd all come to the call to explore our goals for the year ahead. One person was going to have an opportunity to receive live coaching from the legit famous life coach and my best friend had egged me on - why would you want to miss this chance?

So I bravely shared my goals for the year ahead with the whole group, feeling proud of myself for it being so comprehensive. I felt that if I achieved these goals, I would be my own personal hero!

After reading them aloud to all the women and the legit famous life coach, she said - your goals make me want to poke my eyes out.

It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on me. And a few seconds later, as the weight of what she shared sunk in, I realized - SHE WAS RIGHT. It was a list created by that part of me that's a rule-following good girl wanting to prove to everyone - most especially myself, that I was good enough.

There wasn't any aliveness, energy, or juice to what I'd written and shared. My goals sounded like a really long to-do list.

The honesty and directness of this feedback from the legit, famous life coach forever changed the way I go about setting goals and intentions each new year. No resolutions. No shoulds. Instead, it's a vision that excites me and pulls me forward.

How about you? As you consider the year ahead and what you want to do and experience, does it make you want to poke your eyes out?


Here's an exercise to create a vision for 2024 that excites you.

Schedule some time when you know you'll be feeling energized and can work undisturbed. Consider the space you'll be in and ensure that it's quiet, comfortable and supports you feeling expansive and optimistic. Grab a journal and pen and reflect on the following questions. Begin to write down what comes to mind in as much detail as possible.

Look out to the end of 2024 and imagine you had a truly spectacular year. What did you do and experience? And what are you currently doing and feeling as a result? Be sure to cover all areas of your life: relationships (family, friendships), health, work, finances, fun, your environment (home, neighborhood, city), personal growth, learning, spirituality, and your relationship with yourself.

If you're struggling with this exercise, find an accountability partner or group who can support you. And most importantly, have fun!


Want some focused support on creating a vision and plan for 2024 that excites you and pulls you forward? If so, I created the Vision 2024 3-Pack to support you in crafting a vision for 2024 that's completely aligned with your dreams, goals, and what makes you feel most alive. Here's what's included:

  • Three private, 1-hour coaching sessions.

  • Advance work before and between sessions to make our time together as productive as possible.

  • A Work Style Assessment to help you identify the work that makes you feel most alive.

  • A co-created Game Plan for 2024.

Over the course of three sessions, we'll explore:

  • Your lessons from 2023.

  • Bringing more of your unique brilliance to your work and life.

  • Crafting a vision for 2024 that's aligned with your values, intentions, and goals.

  • The limiting beliefs that may hold you back, and simple tools for working with them.

  • Creative ideation for moving your business and life forward. 

The price of the Vision 2024 3-Pack is $945, billed in 3 equal monthly payments. Your purchase must be made by Friday, January 19, and all sessions will occur before March 15, 2024. 

And if you're a current or former client, you'll get an added bonus session!

I'm ready for my Vision 2024!

Learn more at Vision 2024. If you have any questions, just reply to this email or schedule a coaching fit call to see if it's right for you. 

Here's to dreaming big for 2024!

Winn Clark