That's A Wrap!

Lately, I've been writing and talking about 2024 and starting the year strong. But before we turn our attention to the new year, these are the self-reflection questions I'm asking myself and my clients to wrap up 2023. So schedule some quiet time, grab a pen and paper, and dive in!

  1. Think back to the start of 2023. What were your hopes and dreams for the year, both personally and professionally?

  2. As you reflect on the year, what were the highlights? You may want to review your calendar to be sure you don't forget anything. Once you're done, review the list - do you notice themes in the people, places, and things that made your highlight list?

  3. What were the moments when you felt most alive?

  4. What are some of your proudest moments and accomplishments, big and small, this year?

  5. What are the disappointments of 2023? What did or didn't happen that you had hoped would? 

  6. What are a few words or sentences that sum up your 2023?

  7. Who were the people who had the biggest impact on you this past year, both positively and negatively?

  8. What are your lessons learned from this past year?

  9. As you look to the future and the new year ahead, what, if anything, from 2023 would you like to leave behind? Your list could include people, habits, or ways of showing up (perfectionism, overwork, self-judgment, etc.), Write it all down.


This may sound full-on woo woo, but I believe there's power in ceremony to mark the transitions from one phase to another.

We see this in religious and cultural rites of passage such as baby showers, baptisms, quinceaneras, bar/bat mitzvahs, mehndi parties, graduations, jumping the broom, and Irish wakes. Humans often mark important events with ceremonies.

Why not mark the end of a year with some sort of ceremony of your own? You can do this alone or with your friends or family.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Write down the thing or things you want to leave behind you as you end the year. Look to your answers to question # 8 above. Then have a bonfire outdoors or sit by the fireplace in your home and burn what you've written down. If you do this with a group, each person can share out loud one of the things they'd like to let go of as they take their turn at the fire and toss in what you wrote.

  • If you live near a body of water, you can do something similar. Again, you'll want to look to your answers to question #8 above. Reflect on your answers, and then head outside to the nearest body of the lake, river, or ocean. Once there, grab a stone or a shell to represent what you want to let go of. Then toss the stone or shell it into the water to signify that you're letting it go.

I'd love to hear from you. What are ways you plan to bring closure to 2023? 

Winn Clark