Common Threads For Success

In the 9 years I've been coaching, I've had the privilege to support hundreds of people. This gives me an insiders look into their work.

For the creatives and coaches I've supported I've seen common threads in those that have an easier (I didn't say easy - just easier) road to financial viability and success.

  1. They're in Alignment. There's something about the work they're doing that's in alignment with who they serve and what they offer that allows them to shine.

  2. They're Hard-Working. I'd love to say they all work 3-day work weeks, but I can't. Generally speaking - this group put in the time.

  3. They Get Out of Their Comfort Zone. They're willing to do some things that don't feel easy or natural (in coaching, we call this their growth edge) to build needed muscles in areas they haven't before. Things like giving up perfectionism, putting themselves out there, and letting go of outcomes are some areas for growth I often see.

  4. They Ask for Help. Trying to do everything alone is a recipe for failure and burnout. They're willing to get the right help at the right time.

  5. They Have a Bias Towards Action. By this, I mean they'll try things, create things, and generally stay in action toward what they want to make happen in their business.

  6. They Persevere. This one, more than all the others, is the one I believe is most important. When things don't go as planned (and they rarely do), they stay flexible, adjust and keep moving. This willingness to keep at it, especially during hard times, is essential.

Here's a daily reflection to try. As you look at the list above, which of these is your growth edge? Once you identify it, ask yourself each morning - what's one small step I can take today toward________________.

Then do whatever you've identified in that reflection.

Struggling? Find an accountability partner, coach or group you can be part of to support you. 

Winn Clark