Where ARE You?

Recently, I was leading a free group call with some early-stage business owners. They were curious about how to grow their businesses, and I was there to share what I'd learned (mostly the hard way) in a desire to help them avoid some of the struggles I'd experienced.

Someone said, "I just checked out your website , and there are a lot of pictures of you". It didn't sound like a compliment, and I assumed they meant, please don't tell me my website has to have lots of pictures of me! 

I'm not going to lie; their observation, shared in front of a group of people, stung. My inner critic got activated, and for a split second (my inner critic talks fast!) it chimed in - who do you think you are, you look like you're full of yourself, and your website looks cheesy!

Then I remembered that's not the whole story, and I tapped into why I do this work. I believe in the power of coaching. I know the impact coaching has had on me, and I see the impact it has on my clients. This is why I put myself out there.

So my reply "Yes, there are a lot of pictures of me, but I believe that when someone is looking to hire a coach, they are hiring a person. And I have to let them get to know me, and seeing pictures of me and hearing some of my story is how that happens. I think it's essential.

I think this is true for all of us. No matter what business you're in, people are hiring YOU.

I frequently see a reluctance to show themselves in the creatives and coaches I support. Before our first session, I'll check out their website and social media, and often I think  - where ARE you? 

And I get it. It feels awkward. Despite sharing way too many pictures of myself on Instagram, I still struggle with it at times. 

If you'd like to put yourself out there more on behalf of the work you do - here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Post a picture of yourself on social media with a from-the-heart message. Pro Level: post a video.

  2. Look at the About Me page on your website and ask a few former clients or colleagues if it feels like you. If not, make a few edits to show what makes you unique. Pro Level: Hire a writer to do this for you (let me know if you need a recommendation).

  3. Are you reluctant to share your website with people because you hate your photos? Schedule a photo shoot for a few new photos to update it.  Pro Level: Do a comprehensive photoshoot for your website and social media.

  4. Look at your most recent email newsletter/blog post/or social media post. Does it reveal anything about you, or could it have been written by anyone in your industry? If it feels generic, write something that only you could write. Pro Level: Post a video sharing the same thing.

  5. Find an accountability buddy, someone who is also wanting to put more of themselves out there. Create a challenge and cheer each other on!

I'd love to hear from you. Do you agree that sharing more of yourself is important? And if so, what have you found to be the easiest way to do it? 

Winn Clark